„I want to live a self-determined life just like you!”

Every year 5th of May is the European Day of independent living. The National Federation of Associations of Persons with Physical Disabilities (MEOSZ) sends a message about our community to the Hungarian Government and society by the thoughts of Csaba Kiss, one of its colleagues.

For four decades, MEOSZ has been struggling to make it possible for persons with physical disabilities to live a self-determined life in their daily lives! We are continuously drawing attention to the fact that engagement not only means that we are committed at the level of legislation, but also it can appear in the everyday life as an unnoticed and tangible practice by making the necessary steps. As long as this is not the case, we must consistently use every mean to achieve this goal. We have one, a common world which is more colourful by You, He and Me regardless our special capabilities we live with. Do not just look but see! The PERSON! Join our goals! Share this video in order to our message reach everyone! MEOSZ’s experimental expert, Csaba Kiss shares his thoughts with the help of a communication program.

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